Melhus Trafikkskole AS

Melhus Trafikkskole AS started in 1985 and is obviously on Melhus.
Traffic School currently has 10 driving instructors employed with offices in Storen in cooperation with Gauldalsvidda High School.

We have much to offer our students!
Our teachers are highly skilled, good humor and good at teaching.
Teachers at Melhus Trafikkskole use their own cars in education and we are very happy in our cars! Therefore, our students also get to choose whether they want training in Audi, Mazda, Mercedes, Mini, Miitsubishi, Skoda or Volvo. We also have a good selection of motorcycles and mopeds so we can adapt ourselves to you as a student.

Please contact us at tel: 72 87 March 89 or on our website /
